On behalf of our Pastor Dr. Mark A. McCleary and the members of the First Seventh-Day Adventist Church Family welcome!! We appreciate your interest and fellowship. We extend to you a
cordial invitation to meet with us as often as you can.

Our Staff
Pastor |
Dr. Mark A. McCleary |
Church Clerk |
Megan Wilson |
Associate Pastor |
Youth Elder |
Charles Johnson |
First Elder |
Dr. Curla S. Walters |
Adventist Youth Society |
Tasha Shields |
Head Deacon |
Milton Nicholas |
Voices of Zion (Director) |
James McPherson |
Church Secretary |
Monica Barnes |
Youth Choir (Director) |
Jamila Rawlings |
Bible Instructor |
Melanie Libebe |
Pathfinder Director |
Renard Jones |

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Contact Information
- 202-829-2075
- 202-723-5124
- Postal address
- 810 Shepherd St NW Washington DC 20011
- Electronic mail
- General Information: FirstSDAChurch@hotmail.com
Webmaster: DarbinDesignInc@aol.com

Direction Information
- Instruction
- Just enter the correct information and we'll handle the rest! See you
